Sunday, August 07, 2011

World Breastfeeding Week

The World Breastfeeding Week is coming to an end and I want to make a post about it but my thoughts on the subject are all over the place so I'm afraid it would be a rather messy read. I'll start with a few links and see where I end up. :-)

About World Breastfeeding Week at Dr Momma, peaceful parenting.

Why African babies don't cry. Also from peaceful parenting.

More from peaceful parenting. About the effect of the language used when talking about how to feed the baby.

Breastfeeding in Mongolia.

Paper (in Swedish) on mothers' attitudes towards long term breastfeeding.

And last but not least Amningsbloggen. Blog for the Swedish Breastfeeding Help. (Directly translated, apologies if there is a proper English name already in use for this organisation.) Always open in a tab in my browser.

I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to breastfeed. I'm rather lazy and I love how practical breastfeeding is. You get used to dealing with bottles, breast pumps and formula if that is what you have to do, but I'm very pleased that this is not the case for us. I wish that every mother is able to choose what she feels is best for her family and even if I do believe the health benefits to be superior with breastmilk I understand that there are situations where it simply isn't to be. Whatever the mother chooses should be supported to achieve the very best outcome possible.

Since the birth of Sinje I have read lots of interesting stuff about attachment parenting, breastfeeding, co-sleeping and so on and I am amazed at how well it resonates with me. Beforehand I didn't really have a strategy for parenting and I don't see myself outlining one even now, but I take bits and pieces I like to heart and hope that the best I can do will be good enough. I will most likely feel guilty about not being perfect in one sense or another but I hope I'll be able to trust that my child grows up to be a well adjusted human being anyway.

It took most of the day to write this post. Playing with the little one, cooking, eating, coffee/tea with relatives, putting baby to sleep (twice for naps and once for the night, though that proved unsuccessful and she's now sleeping on me in the wrap instead) and other everyday events got in the way of me sitting down and focusing on the blog. Not to mention the breastfeeding. :-) I'm thrilled that she's become so communicative now and can show me that she wants some mummy-milk and/or -cuddle. \o/ Just a few months ago I was still guessing and quite often offering when she had no interest at all to feed. I suppose some of it was the phase in her development when she was simply too distracted by her surroundings to eat. I guess it doesn't help that her mother takes out the camera and tries to get a nice feeding picture. *grins*

She's such a cutie, and I'm not the least bit biased. ;-)


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At Fri Aug 26, 11:07:00 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

Det visste jag inte, men det är ju toppen! Då behöver man ju inte få dåligt samvete utifall man faller tillbaka och ammar.. jag tänkte mer på matning med välling, då det är pappa som har natten ;)


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