Saturday, September 24, 2011

Breast cancer awareness

Ok. So I just now found out that the recent meme on Facebook with a number (let's say 38) and a time (for instance 10 minutes) was actually a campaign of sorts to raise awareness of breast cancer.
How on earth is your shoe size and the time spent to fix your hair going to achieve that!?
Particularly as I've seen a number of comments where someone asked what the numbers were all about and only got a mocking "You're curious, aren't you" or something along those lines for an answer. It feels like a feeble attempt to reach the benighted populace and frankly I think it has mostly failed.

I can't say that I know much about breast cancer other than what I've recently come across in blogs and on parenting forums.
Breastfeeding reduces risk of breast cancer.

Don't mind if I do. :-)
*crawls into bed with the 1yo and prepares for a night of at least two feeds*


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