Wednesday, January 17, 2007

New year, new goals, new life!

As the bells of the new year has tolled ...

Our new life is no longer just an illusion in the distant, it is here and now and everything seems to be happening all at once. *smiles*

I have moved down to Stockholm to my love. He goes to work every day and leaves me with a to do-list of insane proportions.

Accommodation - that's a huge project in itself, lots to think about
Work for myself - not exactly a smaller task, that one...
Getting acquainted to the PT system of Stockholm - can't make a judgement yet, but sitting here in the middle of nowhere makes me ache for a car
Buying useful stuff - we can't bring all our things down from Kalix just yet, this cottage is too small and hard to get to with all our things
Comparing prices for useful stuff - we have to manage only on D's salary for now
Planning what to do 2-9 February - Kat (and hopefully Sarah) is (are) coming to visit
Unpack - see how far down the list that one goes...
... and more

I'm sure everything will work out just fine. I'm optimistic, for a change. *grins* It feels good and we have managed to leave Kalix behind and that's huge - having a place to ourselves (albeit just a small cottage out in the woods, such a paradox as we're supposed to be living in the "big city") and planning our future together.

It is time for me to sound the bells for my new life.

*ding dong*


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