Friday, November 07, 2008

The art of blogging eludes me

I suppose I'll never get the hang of this, but I won't give up this space on the net just yet.

Life is trotting along as per usual. Get up in the morning, get ready, go to work (almost an hour commute), work, go home, make dinner, maybe watch some tv, go online to check out LiveJournal, Facebook, assorted bird related pages, get ready for bed, go to sleep.
Wednesdays is choir, Thursdays (not every week though) is for knitting and crocheting with the crafts group.

We're trying to finish up with the refurbishing of the spare room (home office/future bird room). We've had to pause a number of times since we started due to having guests stay over. I love having people over and having friends and family come visit us, but the project with the room feels like it's dragged on forever because of it. Our latest deadline is next weekend, more friends coming to stay. The occasion is a wedding for mutual friends. I'm really looking forward to this, but it also brings on a fair amount of stress to get done. This time though I'm rather hopeful to get there.

In any case, this thing about blogging. I know I'll never be the type of person to update every day. Not even every week. But off and on I'll have thoughts that just need to get out there and for those occasions this is the place to put them.

Long live the Internet.

