Friday, June 26, 2009

Vacation hysteria

It might be that I'm too fresh into the workforce to have actually entered the everlasting loop of working for the next vacation. For weeks now people at work have been more or less greeting each other with the question of when the vacation starts, how many weeks left to work until Freedom. It seems that they get surprised that I'm not counting down, even now with only two work weeks to go. ;-) It's not like I don't know when I get to not go to work for a couple of weeks, but I try not to make such a big deal about it. Those weeks will go by really quickly and then it's back to the grindstone again.
Not to mention the expectations for what you're supposed to accomplish and do with your time off. "Are you going abroad? Staying in Sweden, oh, might as well with the financial crisis and everything..." "We're moving to the summer house, lots to do there you know." "Going sailing this year."

Hold on. Now I sound really grumpy. My point is that I'm trying to take a more relaxed approach to life in general these days and since that is something that I have to constantly remind myself of it definitely rubs me the wrong way when people around me start to work up this vacation hysteria and expect me to play along. I can get really obstinate and I imagine that that ticks someone else off. Heh.

I do have plans. Going north to visit the families and enjoying the light of the nordic summer night. The birds are coming along of course and that will be an adventure all in itself, driving some 1000 km with two feathered friends in a small transport cage in the backseat.

Have a great summer!


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