Monday, May 24, 2010

A relaxed approach to life?

Today I'm feeling really stressed. This Saturday we're leaving for a week of vacation in Turkey with my husbands family. Between now and then there are sooo many things I would like to accomplish I feel like my head is spinning. Mostly things to do with the kitchen of course, but other stuff as well that aren't as important but highly symbolic.
It goes back to the long and impossible list of what I want to be and accomplish to feel like a successful human being. It annoys me that such things keep coming back, but apparently they do and I have to keep working on liking myself for what I am and not what I do.

It's a long way still to getting a really relaxed approach to life, but then again, maybe I wouldn't be me if I didn't have the urge to keep busy...

In times of stress though I feel that music can be very helpful. Today I turned to the fabulous album From a safe distance by Abalone Dots. Highly recommended!

*hums and breathes*


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Monday, May 17, 2010

The one about being pregnant, week 22

Time is slowly ticking along, belly is really growing now and I'm enjoying it more than I could ever imagine. Knytet (the Bundle) is moving lots and I can both see and feel it. It looks really funny when you see something poking around under your skin. *alien* ;-)

I'm feeling fine, mostly, and sometimes get a little fed up with people constantly asking me how I'm doing. I do realise that it's out of concern (and a bit of curiosity I'm sure), but when you get the question every single day it's a little tiring and I don't really know what to say. I don't feel like talking about my health and the state of my body that much more just because I'm pregnant, but how do you tell people that without being rude?

Another thing I've noticed is that people keep telling me how I'm now eating for two and in that implying that it's ok to have an extra serving while pregnant. Seeing as I've never really had any problems with either food, my weight or body image I'm a little surprised that I react at all, but I get annoyed about this for some reason. My comeback to this comment is that I eat when I'm hungry and I don't care how many people it's for. Period.

At the moment we've started refurbishing part of the kitchen. We're getting a new freezer and fridge and building new cabinets to go on top of them and also a new broom cabinet. It's a lot of work, but I'm so happy we finally got it rolling. I'm really positive about it taking much less time than when we did the spare room. *grins* That shouldn't be too hard I think. That said, when we moved in almost three years ago we had visions for a lot more change than what we have now achieved. Now however we're most likely looking at moving within the next 18 months given that we think we'll need more space with a toddler and also because we want to be on the ground floor rather than three flights of stairs up. We like our flat, but our needs are clearly changing so we have to accommodate for that.

Interesting times... Life changing even.



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