Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The blanket

I identify a lot with being a crafty person. In the crochet and knitting projects I feel very creative even when following a pattern someone else wrote. Most of the time I don't really manage to do exactly as the pattern calls for anyway, I have my own way of doing things and often like to add or subtract a little to put more of myself into the project. The crocheted blanket shown on the picture below is one of those really easy things that stay with me for many months as it is the perfect project for when you are really focusing on something else, like the tv or a conversation.

The pattern is Soft waves from the book
200 ripple stitch patterns by Jan Eaton.
I've made two baby blankets from this pattern before but this time the recipient isn't a friend or relative like previous times.
Let me introduce the future owner of this blanket.

Life is gradually changing for yours truly and in September this little bundle will join the family and make the transition from wild and crazy (:-D as if I ever was...) to settled and maternal complete.

Mother-to-be... Strange thought.


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